Mōrena, and happy Tuesday, climate clubbers!
This time two years ago, an alliance of NZ climate volunteers got together to start a campaign about ending the use of coal in the state sector. This means no more coal boilers in schools, hospitals, and universities, which is inefficient, emits a lot of carbon, and pollutes the air (around our schools and hospitals - how ironic!). We gathered data via OIAs, presented the data in an interactive map (I was the data nerd wrangling the numbers on this bit 🤓), talked in schools, and encouraged folks to send letters to ministers and local MPs.

Fast forward 2 years – yesterday morning – we just heard that we’ve finally got a ban on new coal installations in industrial processes in place!
The combined efforts of volunteers and folks like you who engaged with climate campaigns led to this top-down change – which is the equivalent of taking 100,000 cars off the road! There’s always more work to be done, but it’s great to celebrate the wins along the way. What will our next win be, and what part will you play in it?
What can we do today?
The most-clicked link from last week’s issue was the ask to keep Wellington moving - and we won! (see Wins below).
🐝 If you have 5 minutes: Shine a light on decarbonised investments
An oldie but a goodie (especially for our newer subscribers) - just this week, a report came out saying New Zealanders have doubled the amount of fossil fuel financing last year alone - fortunately, it’s really easy to check & switch to a fossil free bank/fund - and it costs nothing!
Action: Check if your investment & KiwiSaver funds are fossil free and switch to a clean one if not!
Action: Check if your bank is fossil free and switch to a clean one if not. Even better, let your bank know why you are moving so they get the message!
🐇 If you have 15 minutes: A survey a day keeps the doctor away
Want to see a windy road turned into a bike path in windy Wellington?
Action: Weigh in on Brooklyn’s Connections in this WCC surveyNew Plymouth: NPDC is seeking feedback on their Draft 10 year plan! Taranaki is still energy and dairy-based but needs to hear they have the social licence to move toward greener pastures (geddit) so ask them to push for a low emissions future
Action: Weigh in on the fun survey here
💃🏽 If you have 30 minutes or more: Stop deliberating and start lane liberating
Bike Auckland has launched the next stage of their Liberate the Lane campaign, which asks for one of the existing lanes on the Auckland Harbour Bridge to be opened to other modes of transport like cycling, walking, and scooting. With transport making up almost half the emissions from our largest city, shifting to clean modes of transport is really important - and will mean safer, less polluted living spaces too! There are lots of ways to get involved:
5:30pm tonight (Tuesday), North Shore: Free panel discussion
Morning, Thursday 6 July, AKL CBD: Free breakfast & campaign chats
Action: Check out their list of resources on how you can help, including images you can share on socials, and an open letter that you can encourage organisations you are part of (e.g. schools, residents associations) to sign!
🏢 Bonus section for businesses: Good biz is the shiz
Got a business? The government just released a handy new tool to help calculate & reduce emissions. Over 40,000 businesses have tried it out - and measuring emissions is the best place to start knowing what to do next.
Action, 5-30 mins: Try the new climate action toolboxDo you know what your business does about emissions? Let them stack up or try to offset them somehow? As a business - take this offsetting survey!
Action, 15 mins: Weigh in on Offsetting for businesses
In case you missed it!
Auckland: Auckland Council is seeking feedback on their Future Development Strategy, determining their next 30 years.
Action: Fill out Auckland Council’s survey to emphasise less sprawl, denser housing, and low-emissions transport - even just a short sentence will help!
Missed it in the news cycle? Good news for bi-cycles everywhere, another bike lane has been approved.
Shout out to 350’s Homegrown Energy Campaign: 5 community energy projects have been funded!
Let’s Get Wellington Moving gets the green light! Last week we shared the email template to fend off a fresh councillor attack on LGWM. Our words were heard and a convincing majority of Wellington City Councillors voted against withdrawing the council’s funding agreement - yay for livable cities.
That’s all for today, folks 👋🏽 Thanks for taking action. Enjoy this Climate Action Spotify playlist by Fridays for Future.
See you next week,
Emily & the Climate Club team
Your information about the Stevenson Foundation making money from fossil fuels is incorrect. Please don’t spread this misinformation it’s incredibly disappointing