Welcome to the Climate Club 🌱

High-impact climate actions in 5/15/30+ minutes

We’re a newsletter for anyone who’s ever wanted to do something about climate change in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Most people care about climate change. However, not everyone is an expert, nor do they have heaps of spare time or energy. We want to help, but to feel at a loss of how to most effectively make change.

We want to make it easier for busy people to take meaningful climate action. Our weekly newsletter sends action items distilled from current campaigns around NZ and the world in 5, 15, and 30+ minute categories.

By amplifying the mahi of climate experts, scientists, and activists, we help you maximise your impact in those spare minutes of your week.

Why subscribe? (for free!)

You get action items distilled from current campaigns around NZ and the world in 5, 15, and 30+ minute categories, delivered direct to your inbox once a week.

These action item newsletters will always be free, because making climate action accessible to all is our main vision & mission. If you like what we do, and have the space to chip in to help keep Climate Club going, you can opt in to a paid subscription.

You can read all our past newsletters available in our archive, in case you want to look back at them or aren’t sure about subscribing just yet.

We’re also on Instagram and Twitter, if you’d prefer that for keeping up to date!

Get updates via Instagram

Get updates via Twitter

What content do we not cover?

We endeavour to fill a niche around mobilisation, campaigning, and policy change, to lower the barrier for the general public to demand top-down change. We try not to overlap with the many great communities out there serving other needs in the sustainability/climate change space. Therefore, we are not:

  • A source of climate news

  • Climate educators

  • A sustainable lifestyle blog

  • Affiliated with any political party, although we may send campaigns by political parties if they align with our goals around climate action and policy change.

For subscribers

Send us feedback

We’re pretty new to this, and we’ll be iterating on the format to serve helpful content in a way that is valuable to you. You can send us feedback via this Google Form, climateclubnz@substack.com, or just hit reply on one of our emails.

Share your actions

We also love to hear your stories about the actions you’ve taken, how you’ve found that experience. Climate action can be a gruelling, heavy space, so it’s important that we celebrate the small things, no matter how small! Reply to us on one of our emails, we’d love to hear from you.

For climate organisations

Do you have a climate-related campaign coming up? A petition, a submission template, a protest? Send it to us at climateclubnz@substack.com and we’d love to work with you to spread the word!

About us

Climate Club Aotearoa is a registered charity run mostly by volunteers. We originated as 3 friends and professionals working in different fields around tech. We are totally terrified about climate change, totally excited about a better future, and totally determined to contribute in some small way to its solutions.

Subscribe to Climate Club

Your quick task list to save the planet! 🌱 We'll send you high-impact climate actions in 5/15/30+ minutes categories delivered to your inbox every Tuesday.


Data scientist @ multitudes.co by day, climate action chipper-inner by night 🌱
Social entrepreneur & Climate Club writer & workshop facilitator. Love biking & systemic change.
Software & projects @The mSupply Foundation, working away at climate change and refugee rights organisations elsewhere 👩🏽‍💻
Environmental philosopher in training, climber, swimmer and all round nature lover