I suggest you should add an ongoing effort into understanding the real need for a NetZero approach.

There is a growing consensus at both government and voter level in many western nations that NetZero is unnecessary, technologically unattainable, economically unviable and extremely foolish. And especially as the “rest” of the global economies continue to do nothing anyway. It fits with the notion of focused adaption for “high risk areas” and will allow us to get on with prosperity using the power of Fossil fuels.

Its very clear there are now two opposing scientific factions suggesting vastly different climate policy action.

More at …. https://nigelsouthway.substack.com/p/no-netzero

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You didn't mention if you 'won' the game you played. I usually play board games to take my mind off the world, but might have to make an exception. Love that it's cooperative.

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Love nature and protect it

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